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Thank you for your contribution to our company database! User contributions are incredibly important for a project like ours.
Just enter the desired information in the form below and click Submit. If possible, please remember to include sources for your changes, in order for us to be able to verify them. The fields denoted with an * should also be filled in. If you hover over the labels, additional information will show up. But don’t worry: If there’s anything you don’t know, just leave it blank and we’ll take care of it.

If you have any suggestions that cannot be handled through this form or that you don’t want to submit through this form for whatever reasons, feel free to contact us through our GitHub issue tracker or via email.

After you submit the form, the data you entered below will be publicly visible in our issue tracker. So, please do not enter any personal data here.
For more information, please refer to our privacy policy.

By submitting this form, you agree for your contributions to be published in our company database and license them under a CC0 license, which allows anyone to use them without restrictions.